Mark Ritson – Mini MBA in Brand Management

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Photo of Mark Ritson – Mini MBA in Brand Management Course Group Buy

Course Information

Bigger brand brains begin here.

Whether you’re already a brand manager, or a marketer interested in that side of things, the Mini MBA in Brand Management provides applied, advanced (and very enjoyable) training in Brand Management.

The course gives you a complete brand planning process, that you can use to enhance your own brand, as well as a simulator that tests your skills in a fully realised, competitive online setting.

Mark Ritson - Mini MBA in Brand Management course features image

Mark Ritson author of Mini MBA in Brand Management course modules

Complete the Mini MBA in Brand Management in 10 eye-opening modules.

Across 10 modules in 12 weeks, as well as interactive Q&A with Mark, the course covers much of the same content as the second year of an MBA, following the complete brand journey from diagnosis through to execution and tracking.

Mark Ritson - Mini MBA in Brand Management course module image


Your Professor

Mark Ritson, a leading authority on marketing and brand

Mark is a former adjunct Professor of Marketing at Melbourne Business School. He has a PhD in Marketing from Lancaster University and has been a marketing professor at London Business School, MIT Sloan (visiting), and the University of Minnesota. He has been the recipient of MBA teaching awards at LBS, MIT, Singapore Management University and MBS.

Mark has been teaching brand management to MBA students at elite business schools and a consulting career working on some of the most successful brands on the planet such as Subaru, De Beers, Ericsson, Sephora, News Corp, Hennessy and Baxter.

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  • All the bonuses, videos, PDFs, templates and sheets are included
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